Tunze Stream 3
Tunze Stream 3 predstavlja revolucijo na področju črpalk za tokovanje. Pooseblja vse kar akvarist lahko pričakuje od sodobne tokovne črpalke.
Je kompaktnih dimenzij, popolnoma prilagodljiva, ima številne možnosti nastavljanja in prilagajanja moči, intervala in profila tokovanja.
Omogoča priklop na Tunze Turbelle kontrolerje, Smart Controller 7000 in sinhronizacijo z drugimi Turbelle črpalkami ali
Tunze Turbelle Moonlight vmesnikom za simulacijo lunine svetlobe in nočnega tokovanja.
Je izredno tiha, zahvaljujoč inovativnem sistemu pogona črpalke. Je energijsko učinkovita in ima kar 5-letno garancijo!
Ima številne patentirane varnostne sisteme, ki preprečujejo poškodbo organizmov ali črpalke ter funkcijo samodejnega čiščenja.
In 2002 TUNZE® presented a propeller-equipped circulation pump, and through this coined the name for a type of pump: The Turbelle® stream. Since then, TUNZE® has accomplished major developments in this area. The Turbelle® stream 3 is a completely new kind of circulation pump for small and large aquariums. With its innovative design, it can integrate almost invisibly into every aquarium. Thanks to the new magnetic-bearing pump drive, its superior feature lies in the completely silent operation - even at higher power levels. With a consumption of just 3.5 to 50 W, its performance can be set between 2,500 (660 USgal./h) to 15,000 l/h (3,962 USgal./h). It is delivered with the Turbelle® controller and a 5 m cable to the pump. The silence Magnet Holder ensures a fixation on every point of the aquarium glass pane up to a glass thickness of 15 mm (2/3"). The 0.8 Hz FishCare function prevents injuries to fish or other living animals. Every 24 hours, the pump automatically performs an 8-second backflushing operation with a capacity of 30%. The glass thickness can be expanded up to 19 mm (3/4 in.) for larger aquariums (accessory).
Now the new flow rectifier facilitates an additional flow length of more than 3 meters (118 in.) – ideal for long aquariums!
Tehnični podatki:
*možnost nadgradnje za stekla debeline do 19 mm
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